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Can a microwave oven heat a paper box? Does it hurt the human body?

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Can a microwave oven heat a paper box? Does it hurt the human body?

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

The paper lunch box refers to a lunch box for making paper lunch boxes, which is generally a disposable paper lunch box, which is convenient to use and low in cost, and has been widely used in the catering industry.

Lunch box material

快盈IVWhen the weather is cold, many people will ask the staff to use the microwave to heat the box lunch, boxed milk, soy milk or other drinks at the convenience store. But in fact this is not true

In order to avoid softening the paper of these paper box products, disposable paper bowl manufacturers generally apply a layer of waterproof film on the inner layer. In fact, this layer is a layer of plastic film called "poly". Vinyl coating"

快盈IVThis is a relatively new process. When casting, it will be coated with a thin layer of polyethylene plastic coating on the paper surface, which is equivalent to a layer of plastic film covering the paper. If the quality is a little bit worse, in the process of heating these boxed products, long-chain hydrocarbons will be dissolved. This toxic substance cannot be decomposed in the body, so be careful.

快盈IVMost of the paper bowls are not resistant to high temperatures. The heating speed of the microwave oven is extremely fast. If the control is not good, the temperature will be too high, the paper bowl will become soft, and it will be easily burned. If the temperature is too high, there will be a burning situation.

快盈IVIn addition, any fast food lunch box made of polymer can not be heated after being heated at a high temperature, because even a qualified fast food box has a suitable temperature range, and the chemical property changes at a high temperature, and it is easy to form harmful substances. Some new lunch boxes are made from plants such as straw, but polymers are also added as additives, and it is also not suitable for high temperature heating.

Tips: Healthy use of microwave ovens, paper lunch boxes are heated to produce toxic substances, for your health, try to use ceramic bowls or microwave special containers to heat food, some high temperature resistant glass containers are also available.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/365.html

Key word:Microwaveovenheatingtray,Paperbowlresistanttohightemperatures,Paperbowlcraft

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