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Customized paper cups have a smell, how to eliminate this smell

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Customized paper cups have a smell, how to eliminate this smell

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

At present, many of the disposable paper cups that we are exposed to are no longer blank and blank paper cups without patterns. With the development of the disposable paper cup industry and the demand for the advertising paper cup market, customized paper cups are constantly being updated and reformed. There is great progress both in quality and in sense.

Blank paper cup

When customizing paper cups, the average customer pays more attention to the hygiene and safety of the advertising paper cup. After all, the paper cup is a disposable container that is directly in contact with the human body. The advertising paper cups that customers want to make are safe and tasteless, and they are safe to use.

The raw material for making paper cups - the base paper, which has no odor, is produced using food-grade raw materials. Under what circumstances can the odor be produced? It is a customized printing process. At present, because the number of customized advertising paper cups is generally small, most of the printing is offset printing, then in the case of large-area color block design, printing will produce a relatively heavy ink smell.

快盈IVIf you want to avoid such a situation, it is also very simple. Try to be careful not to use large-area color blocks when designing the paper cup. In this way, the printed cup can avoid the problem of smell, and reduce the doubts of use. .

快盈IVTry to make some simple and generous designs on the advertising paper cups, avoid some insignificant elements, and choose some information that can express the corporate image. Advertising paper cups are generally used in companies or in company stores. In fact, the need to print numbers and addresses is very small.

Ordinary companies will choose to leave their business cards in a simple way to give their contact information and address to customers. Few customers will leave paper cups used for entertainment in order to save the company's phone number and address. Controlling the color block of the printed pattern is equivalent to controlling the smell of the advertising paper cup.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/375.html

Key word:Smellofpapercup,Advertisingpapercup,Advertisingpapercupcustomization

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