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Customers often reflect the color difference in paper cup printing. What is the reason?

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Customers often reflect the color difference in paper cup printing. What is the reason?

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

Customers often reflect the color difference in paper cup printing. What is the reason? We together look.

What is the reason for the color difference of the paper cup?

There are two kinds of color difference, one is normal color difference, and the other is class color difference. The colors displayed on the LCD computer, everyone found that the color is different from all angles, so many customers think that the color they see, the effect of printing is like this, in fact, it is determined by completely different colors.

快盈IVThe computer is a liquid crystal display, but if you go to the advertising company, the film company will know that they are all flat. Why, the reason is that the LCD display is very different from the printing, there are many colors, the display is printed. It's almost completely different, because the LCD display uses RGB mode.

快盈IVTry to stack four colors as much as possible. If CMYK is superimposed on four colors, the stack is mostly black. Like the registered color, CMYK39393939, try to superimpose the two primary colors. If you must add four colors, the color requirements are relatively high, please proof. . The coloring sample is a method of printing by the way when printing a tea cup.

The paper used for paper cups is pockmarked, just like double-adhesive paper, while the copper plate printing is lighter. On the copper plate printing, there is coating for reflection, so there are two kinds of color cards on the printing, one is C-face, one The species is U-face, the C-face is a glossy surface, and the U-face is a matte surface. The color printed on the advertising paper cup will be dimmed because it is a pockmark, and there is no brightening on the coated paper. Therefore, when designing, try to design a brighter one, so that it feels better.

Disposable paper cup customization Because one color is considered in each version, a little color difference will also occur, and minimizing the color printing of four colors will reduce the chromatic aberration.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/362.html

Key word:Papercupprinting,print,Papercupprintingcolordifference

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