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Use of expired disposable cups may cause damage to the respiratory tract

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Use of expired disposable cups may cause damage to the respiratory tract

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

In the hot summer days, everyone pays close attention to the shelf life of food, because once you eat the expired food, it is not good for your health. But have you paid attention to the shelf life of disposable paper cups?

Disposable paper cup storage

快盈IVAt present, the quality of disposable paper cups on the market is uneven, and the hidden dangers are large. Most households are improperly stored, which makes the cups damp and moldy, causing the growth of bacteria and fungi. If used at this time, it will cause certain harm to the human body. It is easy to cause respiratory diseases.

快盈IVTherefore, when buying disposable paper cups, the public must look at the date of manufacture and shelf life. Generally, the shelf life of disposable paper cups is 1-2 years, but some disposable paper cups are marked on the custom, so they need to be carefully identified.

The shelf life of disposable paper cups is determined according to the date of production, the aging cycle of various materials, and the decomposition cycle. For example, the production date and shelf life of the disposable paper cups sold in supermarkets are printed on the packaging, and the shelf life of different paper cups is also different. Not the same, long can be saved for 5 years, short is only one or two years.

快盈IVTips: Disposable paper cups are stored and used improperly, which can breed bacteria and fungi, and expired, which may cause damage to the respiratory tract.

快盈IVDisposable paper cup quality supervision reminder:

快盈IV1. Look for QS and production license

2. See if the information marked on the disposable paper cup package is comprehensive, whether the production license number and the QS mark are marked. Secondly, the printed pattern on the outside of the advertising paper cup has a clear outline, uniform color and no obvious stain. Qualified paper cups are 15mm from the cup and 10mm from the bottom of the cup. Squeeze gently on both sides of the cup to get a good idea of the cup. Generally, high-quality disposable paper cups can hold water for 72 hours without leakage, and poor quality will leak water for half an hour.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/368.html

Key word:Expiredpapercup,Papercupshelflife,Papercuppackaginginformation

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