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What should I pay attention to when printing on paper cups?

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What should I pay attention to when printing on paper cups?

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

Paper cups bring great convenience to people in our home life. No matter where you use paper cups, such as coffee shops, tea shops, dessert shops, companies, companies, etc., when custom printing in disposable paper cups What should I pay attention to?

Printing typesetting

1. Printing method

There are now three ways to print disposable cups, namely offset, silkscreen and flexo. Offset printing can not be used to drink water, although it can be used for publicity, but it is a waste. Although silk screen printing is quite good, it is lacking in the processing of patterns, and the better way is flexo printing. Flexo printing belongs to green printing. Printing is very good for publicity, and it is simple to make and low in cost, so it is a printing method that is more commonly used nowadays.

2. Printing color

快盈IVPay special attention to the disposable paper cup itself, there must be a certain color, so pay attention to the color when designing, paper cup printing is generally four colors, and these four colors should avoid purple, dark blue and orange and brown, which The four colors are prone to deviations, which can make the design a mess, so pay special attention.

快盈IV3. Printing design

Too full paper cups can make people feel confused, especially in the summer, when the mood is easy to float, if you see such a paper cup, it will not produce a good feeling, but let the propaganda play the opposite role. Therefore, the printing method is to publicize a part of the paper when designing a disposable paper cup, and leave a certain space and angle for viewing, so that the publicity effect is better and more attractive.

快盈IV4. Printing and typesetting

快盈IVThe design and layout of the disposable paper cups should be carefully dealt with. If necessary, the text can be converted into a contour style, which is both good-looking and promotional.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/382.html

Key word:Papercupprintingmethod,Papercupprintingcolor,Papercupprintingdesign

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