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Selection of paper cup printing technology ink

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Selection of paper cup printing technology ink

Date of release:2018-07-24 Author: Click:

1. Generally, disposable paper cup custom paper printing uses a flexible version of water-based ink. For aqueous inks, the adhesion properties of the ink are critical. In order to avoid losses, it is generally necessary to do a lot of tests before the official printing in order to select inks with better adhesion. Only when the right ink is selected can the printed product have good light resistance, heat resistance and friction resistance.

Paper cup quality

快盈IV2. The composition of the ink must comply with the Food Sanitation Law and the corresponding food packaging hygiene standards.

3. Control the amount of residual solvent to prevent the odor of the printed matter, the back of the printed matter is dirty, and when the solvent adheres to the substrate or the base film at the sealing place, the heat sealing may be poor, and the sealing portion may be poorly bonded or The mouth opening phenomenon caused by poor bonding.

4. The ink drying temperature should not be too high. When the temperature is too high, the surface of the base film will be over-oxidized, resulting in poor heat sealing. However, it is also necessary to prevent the printing ink from drying poorly to avoid odor.

快盈IV5. Ambient temperature and humidity: If the humidity of the workshop is too high, the printed matter will be curled. If the temperature of the film after printing is too high, the adhesion between the upper and lower layers will occur, which will also affect the processing of the paper cup.

6. The heat sealing performance required for continuous forming of paper cups and the printability of PE film surface require that the ink composition, residual solvent amount, drying conditions and other factors must be compatible with the performance of the coffee cup.

快盈IV7. The quality of the paper cup print is the result of a reasonable combination of the printing machine and the printing process, the substrate and the ink. As long as one of them is not well matched, it will affect the printing quality of the paper cup, or it may malfunction during the printing process. .

8. Therefore, the printing process, the ink used for paper cup printing requires better adhesion, and the surface of the printed matter has good acid resistance, alkali resistance, water resistance, heat resistance and light resistance, and will not fade due to external factors such as acid and alkali. Discoloration, falling off of the ink layer, etc. In addition, coffee paper cup prints should have good scratch resistance, gloss, semi-dull and matt.

9. The ink solvent selected should not swell the PE film or contain water in the solvent as much as possible to prevent the printed matter from curling; use an ink containing a plasticizable free carrier as much as possible to prevent the shrinkage of the ink film and the PE film due to temperature changes. Forming a curl of print. The curled print is warped after being die-cut into a fan-shaped piece, which makes it difficult to convey and roll the dough when making the cup.

The address of this article:http://successide.com/en/news/392.html

Key word:Selectionofpapercupink,Papercupprintingprocess,Papercupprint

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